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Release time: 2023-06-20

Russia sea new layout, Russian market you know how much? 

With the diversification of products and the improvement of market expectations, in recent years, China has become Russia's largest trading partner from the perspective of the global proportion, and the influence of Russia and other countries and regions on China's foreign trade import and export industry has increased。Yandex provides Russia with a large, stable and high-quality business information channel, which also makes it the preferred platform for many Chinese enterprises to enter the Russian language market for overseas business expansion。

Russian B2B market demand status?How to shape the corporate brand image in Russia?Better solutions for receiving and paying from Russia?Whether there is a Russian market experience of foreign trade cattle can face to face communication?.......
Do you have the same question about the above questions?

29 June (Thursday)Xizhi Technology Will join hands with Dawn Russian marketing regional manager Liu Yang China Construction Bank International business Center product manager Ge Guotao, held the "Russian market foreign trade B2B e-commerce Summit Forum" as the theme of the event。


Event Info Event info


主题:Russian market B2B e-commerce Summit

时间:Thursday, June 29, 14:00-16:30

地址:Conference Room 7, Huazhi Hotel, No.97 Science Avenue, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou




 Cao Ying - Sizhi Technology - Technical Service Department Operations Director

New Export Opportunities for the Russian Market

  Li Yue - Head of Russian marketing Operation of Xizhi Technology

How to Create a Successful Brand Image in the Russian Market

  Ge Guotao - Product Manager of International Business Center of China Construction Bank Henan Branch

Foreign Trade Collection Solutions for Russia

  Liu Yang - Liming International Trade Russian Area Manager   
  Wang Jun - Xizhi Technology foreign trade marketing senior manager

Exploring the Depth of Sino-Russian Trade: Expert Questions


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